
Educational Shield for Arduino Nano

Made with in Almería


Discover the projects around NanoPlayBoard

Open Source Hardware

NanoPlayBoard is Open Source Hardware and has been designed with Open Tools. The design specifications are available in GitHub and can be studied, modified, created, and distributed by anyone.

Arduino Library

We have developed an Arduino Library that enables easy access to the sensors and actuators of the NanoPlayBoard.

Android App

The aim of this Android app is to expand the possibilities of NanoPlayBoard, by allowing you to interact with the sensors and actuators available on the board or even interact with other elements connected to Internet.


Thanks to Johnny-Five, the JavaScript Robotics & IoT Platform, you can control your NanoPlayBoard writing Javascript code.

This work is in progress.


We have developed a custom Firmata firmware sketch in order to allow the interaction with NanoPlayBoard writing code in the most popular programming languages.

This work is in progress.

Python client library

With the Python client library you can control your NanoPlayBoard writing Python code.

This work is in progress.

ScratchX Extension

Javascript extension to connect Scratch 2.0 with NanoPlayBoard using Firmata.

This work is in progress.


Javascript extension to connect mBlock with NanoPlayBoard using Firmata.

This work is in progress.


This repository contains several examples about how NanoPlayBoard can interact with Node-RED.

This work is in progress.


This repository contains several examples about how NanoPlayBoard can interact with Processing.

This work is in progress.


Meet the team members

Antonio Morales

José Juan Sánchez


We always welcome contributions to help make NanoPlayBoard better.
Please use GitHub issues to submit bugs and report issues.
Please feel free to post questions or comments in the HackLab Almería Forum.

Credits & Thanks

The awesome pinout diagram has been designed by Alberto (aka PighiXXX). Thanks so much!